Retail IT Client Survey – Follow-Up

We recently asked our clients to take part in the first Retail IT client survey. Thank you if you took the time to respond.

Overall I was pleased by the results. However, it is clear that there are many areas where we could improve. We have taken all the comments and scores on board and we have made inroads to offer clients an improved service, particularly when it comes to how our helpdesk logs and responds to client issues.

Two weeks ago we were joined by Pauline Daneirole, IT Project Manager at Cegid in Lyon, who spent five days with us, training the helpdesk analysts and other team members on the latest software updates and common client problems. We also ran some customer service sessions which will benefit all those who use our helpdesk facility. In fact, our helpdesk team will now be known as Customer Support, reflecting how this team assists all client queries of a technical nature.

I believe all of this will enable us to respond to client needs in a quicker, more efficient manner with problems resolved successfully.

We will be sending out a follow-up survey in three months, with our aim to have improved client satisfaction ratings based on the above improvements.

Best wishes,

James Rodger, Managing Director


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