Identifying existing system pain points…

Prickly cactus - depicting pain points

Entrepreneurs often use the term “epic failure” to describe a project that is too complex or ambitious. You should ensure that your next product or service meets the needs of your users, and does not exceed their expectations and their concerns with Identifying existing system pain points. EPOS implementation projects follow the same principle.

For your system, you’ll need to define a list of requirements. To ensure that your project meets the needs of your users, you should also limit its scope. Gathering your requirements is the first step in designing an EPOS implementation project. 

Identifying the existing system pain points and solutions of your current retail system in depth will help you define the scope of your project as an entrepreneur. By doing so, you will be able to avoid designing a system that is too complex or too broad, which will only waste your time and resources. By defining the scope of your project, you can narrow down the components of your system. Your users will benefit from this as they won’t have to exert as much energy to meet their needs.

As you gather your requirements, you’ll want to look out for the following issues that will help you determine the project’s scope:

  1. What are the current pain points in your retail systems?
  2. What resolutions are there for these issues? 
  3. Are these resolutions scalable?

Often, if you don’t address and answer these questions during your requirements gathering process, you can end up with a new system that is too broad and complex, or doesn’t serve your basic needs at all. 

Some of the most common EPOS issues that you’ll want to look out for when gathering your requirements include complex interfaces and processes, slow response times, and the inability to integrate with other systems, plug-ins or extensions. In the case of Shopify eCommerce sites not connected to EPOS systems, for example, you’ll need to ensure that this is one of your greatest priorities. By doing this, you can see where your stock is, what your bestsellers are online and in-store, as well as what promotions are running. You will also have a 360° view of your customer’s shopping experience. In essence, you want a holistic view of your retail business.

Working with legacy systems can be a real pain because they are not always easy to integrate. SaaS is the future, and many retailers are embracing it.

Find the answer to Identifying your existing system pain points and consider SaaS with us.

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