Omnichannel, Stores and Stories – final event info

This Thursday we will be staging our Omnichannel, Stores and Stories event in London’s Covent Garden. We’re really excited to be organising what promises to be an outstanding event packed with insights for retailers of all sizes.

For those attending, the event is being held in the Judges’ Court at Browns in Covent Garden. You can view a map of the location here.

BrownsFull agenda

  • 13.45 – Arrival & Drinks
  • 14:00 – How Omnichannel is Central to Success – Clare Rayner
  • 14:50 – Innovative Ways to Drive Footfall & Boost Online Traffic – Retail IT
  • 15:10 – Omnichannel Opportunities – Retail IT
  • 15:30 – Break & Refreshments
  • 15:50 – Transforming store operations through IT Intersport UKlogo
  • 16:10 – Trends in Luxury & Fashion Retail – Retail Remedy
  • 16:30 – Closing Comments – Cegid
  • 16:45 – Finish & Drinks

Delegates, should they wish, will also have the chance to experience the latest software solutions from Retail IT, such as the YourCegid Retail CBR platform, and try out hardware systems from Aures.

For more information and to reserve final spaces, visit

Finally, if you would like to take part in our Children in Need raffle to win an iPad Mini, please visit our Justgiving page here.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

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